Sunday, January 22, 2006

Frustration Leads to Writing

I am confused. I am lost. I am stagnant.
I am all those things and more.

I have been living in neutral since college.

That's not to say I haven't done. I have. I have done many things and been many places. Yes I have done. I just haven't moved on. I have grown beyond my borders, but I haven't become.

I am still frightened of life, maybe now more then eva because I can see the realities that were beyond the borders of my youth. The death. The inhumanity. The fear of living that surrounds adults. That bestows power upon men like Ridge, Goering, or Robespierre.

I fear.

And fear does lead us all down roads which break us apart… a wise man once talked about fear as a demon that infests (wo)men's hearts… that all of us fear.

That the unknown is why we create. Why we study. Why we build. To take control of the that fear. To win against it. But that kind of control is an illusion. A myth.

It is a story we tell our children at night, like the Three Little Pigs or Paul Bunyan.
It is King Arthur and his Knights of peace and justice. It is a Myth.

And as with all myths, the truth, the fear, is buried deep inside it.

The only real control we have is in our actions. It is that control that gives us power. It is here that we can conquer those fears. And it is only here where we can build a world not of Congressional hearings on UnAmerican Affairs, or UnFrancisms, or whateva guise you hide your fear in.

It is only here where we can embrace the unknown.

In creation I am Stagnant. In the world I am Lost. In life I am Confused.

But I try.

I push at my borders. I try to be brave. I try to be strong. for me, for you, for us all.

I claim no divine knowledge, and wish for none.
I claim no monopoly on pain or fear. I am only a traveler, like you.

But I try… to become more.


At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To not know that you/we are confused and lost is to be a simpleton. To not question and push is to lead a life unexamined. A wasted life.

On the contrary I don't think you've been stagnant. You have a knack for networking (E and I were just talking about it). You've made so many friends, had so many experiences over the 5-ish years you've been here. You can't deny that.

We're all afraid of failure and rejection Fza. The older we get the more experience we have with both. The clearer we see the face that is our own fears. There's always going to be this little voice behind the bravado, don't give it any credit.

I don't think there's going to be a time in most people's lives when everything is just peachy-keen and I am fine with that. It's all about balance you know? Be grateful and aware of the good things in your life rather than focusing on the not-so-hot (advice I remind myself of constantly).

Kid- you're a reader, a smoker, a midnight philosopher
Which makes you pretty cool in my book : )

Keep on writing.

At 6:16 PM, Blogger The Fza said...

Thanks for kind words J.

And maybe it sounds a lot more depressing then I realized when it came to me, also I am aware that I tend to be somewhat hard on myself then I should be, but what I really was going for here is the feeling of being 20 something and LOST in our society.

It's not just about me, it's about my generation. Maybe I didn't succeed at doing what I wanted to do... but I guess I can just keep trying and one day I will.


At 9:15 PM, Blogger The_Lex said...

Shit man. . .you write good.


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