Thursday, November 04, 2004

A Letter To John Kerry

Dear Sir,

First I would like to extend my sincerest apologies with regards to the out come of Presidential Election. I do believe you would have made for a better head to the Executive branch of our government. But as my father used to say "them the breaks." And being one of those full-time workers with little or no health care and I was forced to miss your speech today (nose to the grind-stone). Despite that I did want to thank you for a good showing Senator Kerry.

Also I would like to ask you not to lose heart Sir. Goliath may have fell by a well-placed shot, but one doubts that there was only one shot. You are a singular individual, and I dare say you do not need such a message to keep you in the game (so to speak) but here it is anyway. In following your campaign over the months I have an idea of what kind of leader you are, but I do think that you need to remember that the American people need a bit of a rabble-rouser to lead them. From Thomas Paine to Harry Truman the best of America can be found in the disruption we cause.

I'm sure you have heard everyone and their mother’s (as the saying goes) advice and opinions as to why your campaign did not take the election. That is not my intension here, what I want to let you know, if you don't already, is DO NOT STOP trying to change things for the better Sir. You, being an honorable man, may want to devote much time to reuniting the country after such a division. Indeed that is the right thing to do, but Senator this momentum you have started should not be abandoned. It can be used to effect change in other way, in the days and weeks to come. Especially with how the Senate and House are now, no longer, going to be as great a help as it might have been (bipartisanship aside).

In light of that some men might walk softly, but in times like these we need leadership. We need a decisive message, even if not everyone follows you, some will. Now I may be a bit naive, but I do believe doing the right thing start at the begining of the day. That means not compromising to fit into the user-friendly box.

I ask you to do only what I know you can and will. To FIGHT for what you believe in, for what is right, on the floor of the Senate and everywhere in-between. Don’t let the administration think they have won the war. Fight without a care for anything but Truth and Justice, because those are the ideals with which our nation was built on. What it ever aspires to sustain.

Thank you,



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