Can't we just Move ON!!!!
I don't know how many of you out there in Weberland subscribe to '' but it can be one of the more decent ways to get information if you don't always have time to read everything that's floating in cyber-space. Now I may not always agree with what I see but I try to get as much as I can form it, as I do other sources. Today I read the following:
"Ten days after Hurricane Katrina, the city of New Orleans is still mostly underwater and hundreds of thousands of people are homeless, yet NBC Nightly News reported last night that FEMA's portable housing remains hundreds of miles away unused. It is now obvious that the federal response to Hurricane Katrina is a national scandal that requires a proper investigation. But Republicans in Congress have proposed an investigation that would be run by them. Democrats are insisting on an independent commission with its own independent investigators and subpoena authority—modeled after the 9/11 Commission."
And I can't help but think that things have gone way too far. I am just plain disgusted with Republicans and Democrats alike. It's almost impossible to believe that people have been die, in our own country, due to a natural disaster and all the folks in office can do is pick on each other... What the hell do they think this is: A junior high school-yard?!?!
Some how this great nation of ours, biggest and richest in the world, is being lead by a bunch of 7th graders with nothing better to do then play "I know you are, but what am I." I'm actually waiting for Reid to challenge Chaney to rumble after the Senate gets out for the day, I'm sure FOX News (if I can be so bold as to call it such) would be happy to televise it for us... Hell at least we'd really get to see the true character of our elected representatives.
Seriously though, they must be 7th graders! Because any college graduate with the slightest notion of what's going on, and the power to help folks would not be sitting on their dry asses playing the blame game when folks, AMERICANS, are in serious trouble. Here in AMERICA! Where are these people keeping their consciences: Stuffed and mounted over the mantle?!?! Spreading blame is for children. Spreading blame if for yellow journalism. Spreading blame is what you do when you have no real ability to change things. Dealing with problems, despite who's at fault, and taking responsibility for these problems; that is what being an adult is about. That is what being a Leader is about. Weather it's a bunch of cub scouts, a relief team in New Orleans, or the Democratic Minority it's got to be about the people who follow you not the way you look to them.
It's like no one can see all that manure that they spread does not grow followers, despite what they may think. All it does is make them both smell like shit!
My dad was a carpenter, he was a damn good one too. Worked his way up. Became a foreman in charge of most of my home towns Building and Grounds office. He would ride around to every site and check up on them, make sure they were doin' alright, make sure the job was getting done. If someone needed something to get that job done, my old man was there. He'd talk to people, run errands, pick up lumber, you name it. As long as the job got done and got done right. Don't get me wrong though, his people, his men, they were his first and last responsibility! If they were in trouble or needed help, he was there. Now some folks called him a bit of an old foggie, because he would wear uniform cloths that just wasn't required any more. But to me, my dad was a giant. He was a hero. He went out there every day, he took pride in his work, in his men's work. When the town was threatened by hurricanes or floods, he was out there... First one out there, making sure the town was "ship shape" as he put it. He had a responsibility, a job, and he did it. That's what made him a hero in my eyes.
Now to me, it seems ridiculous to have to say this but it's important to deal with reality. It's important help those who need it! Especially if it's your job!!! If you choose to take the responsibly, you take it all the way. It's yours. As a former president once hailed "The Buck Stops Here!" These Dems and Rebs should just get there act together and start helping people. The time for splitting up in factions has long past. It's time to realize we're all in this together and some of us have homes that are now sitting under 20 feet of water.
Maybe I'm just an old foggie too. Maybe I'm living in the past here. But hell, at least I don't smell like shit!
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