Never judge a country by its leaders, only it's followers
-----Original Message-----
From: The Fza
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2005 5:44 PM
To: Steven
You may want to know what's goin' on:
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2005 7:44 PM
To: The Fza
Dude, this is way old news. They've already been doing this for years. There are a few hundred terrorists detained in Guantanamo Bay, been there for a few years, who will never have a trial, will never be let go, your tax dollars will feed them for the rest of their lives.
Since the naval base is not on US soil, they have no rights. All the administration wants to do now is be able to do that on home turf. Which they have done a few times to a couple navy guys. One of them is still in the brig in SC, been trying to get a trial for over a year.
Newspaper articles, protests, no good, he's still there, with one lawyer fighting for him to no avail, thanks to the patriot act.
They are not trying to make this a military state, they already have.
Just because they aren't swinging the clubs yet doesn't mean they haven't trained themselves in how to use them.
As I've said many times, everybody bitches and moans about these things, protests, waves signs, sends emails, but nobody DOES anything about it. You cannot stop an aggressor through passivity.
Ghandi was not truly passive. He fucked over the British economy big time.
-----Original Message-----
From: The Fza
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2005 7:58 AM
To: Steven
Yeah I know about Guantanamo Bay, but they do release people from time to time. Plus the UN has been on the US's back about that since it breaks many of our own rules.
Well they have the a "bad apple", as Rumsfeld put it, that got sentences for some of the crimes at Guantanamo Bay. That was some funked up shit! But we all know he's one of the scapegoats, it's those in charge who are the ones who are most guilty. Remember the days of Truman and his famous "the buck stops here" sign on his desk? Well now they have, "buck?!?! What buck??" sitting on B's desk.
The question is, why the change... Or perhaps, How can they justify this change to themselves and to the country? Have we lost our ideals? Indeed, did we ever have them? Really though I don't think it matters if we ever stood fast to those ideals, it matters if we will now!
But no man, we are not in a military state yet. Despite your pessimistic views, the fact we can still talk, write, and fight for liberty and not be imprisoned is proof enough of that we still have a modicum of freedom. Yes it's true we don't have power but such has always been the way of the world, the people in power have always build there empires on the backs of the poor, clubs or chains it makes little difference.
When your on top you can't see the bottom and when your on the bottom... Well hell there ain't nothing to look up too. It has ALWAYS taken 'unity' and 'trust', between those who don't come to either of those easily, to build a country where truth, justice and freedom is not just words. But we've got to remember violence is never the way, this week should have reminded us all that the only way to change things for the better is to change them with heart, not hate. Martin Luther King died for all of us, black, white, red and blue. He died for the American dream, he was only a man, but that's what made him special.
You say we can't win with passivity, your right. But violence isn’t the answer either, that really is the last refuge of the incompetent. Yes Gandhi was NOT passive, he was non-violent. But you should understand that 'protests and waving signs' is not passivity. It is activity! But it cannot be the only thing we do, we can not expect the world to change because 1000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000 voices say it should. We have to do more. Standing up is just the first step, but a necessary step none the less. Mahatma Gandhi didn't win India in a Day or a Week or even a Year of suffering. It took him nearly a lifetime.
Remember man nothing worth it comes with out a price, and the most valuable things in the world are Justice and Freedom.
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